Alastair Kane Search Marketing, Search Marketing Partner 1200 627

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26 October 2023


Ever felt like you’re shouting into a void, with no one to hear your voice? That’s what it can feel like for many SaaS companies trying to make their mark in the crowded digital space.

But hold on… What if there was a way to amplify that voice in Google search?

Welcome aboard our journey exploring ‘SaaS SEO’, your golden ticket towards visibility. It will help your business get under the radar of the right individuals – the ones who can benefit from your SaaS product.

We’ll be unravelling the differences between traditional SEO and its SaaS variant, underlining why SEO is vital for SaaS firms, and sharing an actionable 10-step strategy.

Table of contents

What is SaaS SEO

SaaS SEO, or Software as a Service Search Engine Optimisation, is the practice of optimising your software company’s online presence to attract organic traffic from search engines.

The role of SEO, for SaaS companies is not only about driving users to their websites; it’s also about convincing them that the product can solve specific problems better than any other solution out there.

So let’s delve deeper into what makes SaaS SEO unique.

Differentiating Features of SaaS SEO

The first differentiator lies in the prospect’s buying intent. In general e-commerce scenarios (like selling shoes), user searches are usually direct and transactional – ‘Buy red Nike sneakers’. But with most B2B tech solutions including SaaS offerings, buyer journeys are rarely linear due to long sales cycles involving research and comparisons across various vendors before a final decision gets made.

This means that while you might need buyer intent keywords like ‘best project management software’, you’ll also have to think about how to be more visible for keywords with informational intent. The key here isn’t just attracting potential customers but establishing yourself as an industry thought leader by offering valuable content around related topics, to grow the business’s brand awareness to potential prospects that are not yet ready to buy.

A second crucial aspect for many successful SaaS SEO strategies involves understanding how trial sign-ups work within your business. Free trials are common in the SaaS world, but their role within your sales funnel and how they influence SEO requires careful consideration.

For example, if a large chunk of your conversions are from free trial sign-ups, you might want to target keywords like ‘free project management software’ or ‘best free collaboration tools’ in your SEO strategy.

The Ever-Changing Nature of SaaS Products

In contrast to businesses with physical products or services, SaaS offerings are often in constant flux due to regular updates and iterations. This means that keyword research for these companies must be ongoing, adapting as their product evolves. While traditional businesses may only need major website overhauls every few years, a successful SaaS company requires an agile approach to its web content.

Search Intent & Long Sales Cycles

Sales cycles in the software industry can span months or even years – significantly longer than most B2C transactions. Therefore, understanding the user’s search intent throughout this cycle becomes crucial for effective SaaS SEO strategy compared to more transactional forms characteristic of traditional e-commerce where purchase decisions are made quicker.

Content Marketing Integration

A core aspect of any robust SaaS marketing strategy is high-quality content that educates a specific audience about the value proposition of your software solution. Content serves not just as a tool for attracting organic traffic but also plays an integral role in nurturing leads through the sales funnel – something less emphasised in many conventional sectors.

In essence, while the core principles of SEO remain consistent across sectors – ensuring your website is accessible, creating high-quality content, earning authoritative backlinks – how these are applied can vary greatly depending on whether you’re operating within the SaaS industry or elsewhere.

Why is SEO Important for SaaS Companies

SEO is important for SaaS businesses because it forms a key component in a comprehensive marketing strategy that works with other channels to reach prospects as they seek information to help them make purchase decisions.

Let’s delve deeper into this topic to truly understand its importance.

Digital Visibility: Your Virtual Storefront

To begin with, think of SEO as your virtual storefront. Just like how brick-and-mortar stores rely on attractive window displays and prime locations to draw in foot traffic, SaaS businesses need strong visibility on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

This isn’t just about being seen though; it’s also about making sure that what prospective customers see makes them want to click through and explore more – much like an intriguing shop display would encourage people to step inside.

Traffic Quality: Not All Visitors Are Created Equal

Surely all website visitors are good visitors? Not necessarily. It’s essential for SaaS companies to attract high-quality traffic – users who are likely interested in your offering and have the potential of becoming paying clients.

The beauty of SEO is that it helps get ‘targeted’ organic traffic. These are users who have actively searched for something you offer, which implies a pre-existing interest in your product or service.

Building Trust: SEO Helps Establish Authority

Did you know that 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results? It’s true. When your SaaS company ranks high on SERPs, it not only increases visibility but also enhances credibility.

A 10 Step SaaS SEO Strategy

For a robust and effective SaaS SEO strategy, we need to consider various components. Each of the 10 steps below is crucial to boost website visibility in the search engines, leading to relevant traffic generation and sales opportunities.

1. Establish Benchmarks and KPIs

To kick-start your SEO campaign, it’s important to establish benchmarks and define key performance indicators (KPIs). These serve as the compass for all future strategies by giving you clear goals. Let’s set measurable objectives such as organic traffic growth or keyword ranking improvements so that we can monitor our progress accurately.

2. Customer Research

The next stage involves getting familiar with your customers – their needs, preferences, behaviours and pain points – essentially creating customer personas. Single Grain provides an excellent guide on this topic. This knowledge will inform every aspect of your SEO plan from content creation to keyword strategy.

3. Keyword Research

No matter how well-designed or functional your SaaS product may be if people can’t find it online then success will remain elusive. Keyword research lets us understand what terms potential clients are using when searching for solutions like yours online. Make sure you choose keywords which align with user intent and have good search volume without being too competitive.

4. Competitor Analysis

You’re unlikely alone in your market. Gaining knowledge of the accomplishments (and failures) of your rivals can offer you an advantage over them. Use tools like SEMrush to analyze their SEO strategies, backlink profiles and the search terms they rank for organically.

5. On-page Optimisation

This involves optimising individual web pages so they rank higher in the SERPs. On-page SEO includes page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, URL structure and content quality.

6. Technical SEO for SaaS Websites

In the digital landscape, technical SEO plays a pivotal role in improving your website’s visibility and boosting organic traffic. Good technical SEO establishes a firm foundation for future organic traffic growth. For Software as a Service (SaaS) companies aiming to enhance their online presence, mastering this aspect of search engine optimisation is crucial.

The Importance of Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimising your website for crawling and indexing by search engines. It involves making sure that your site can be easily navigated not only by users but also by search engine bots. This ensures that all pages on your site are properly indexed and have an opportunity to rank in search results.

Key Aspects of Technical SEO

  • Site Speed: A fast-loading website provides better user experience which can lead to higher rankings in search engines. Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights, can help you assess and improve load times.
  • Sitemaps: An XML sitemap acts as a roadmap for search engines, helping them understand the structure of your site. Make sure it’s updated regularly with any new or removed pages.
  • Crawlability & Indexing: Ensure there are no barriers preventing search engine bots from crawling or indexing any part of your website. Regularly check Google Search Console for crawl errors or issues with robots.txt files.

Bespoke Approach for SaaS Companies

SaaS businesses often face unique challenges when it comes to technical SEO due to factors such as dynamic content, complex site structures, and frequent updates. Hence, a tailored B2B SEO strategy that considers these specific characteristics is vital for success.

For instance, SaaS companies often have extensive knowledge bases or help sections on their websites. Ensuring this content is easily crawlable and indexable can significantly improve your site’s visibility in search results.

In conclusion, technical SEO is an essential part of any successful online marketing strategy for SaaS. By ensuring your website meets all the necessary technical requirements for optimal crawling and indexing by search engines, you can enhance your online presence and drive more organic traffic to your site.

7. Full Funnel SaaS Content Strategy

In the competitive landscape of SaaS, SEO plays an integral role in driving growth. A well-planned content strategy can attract, engage and convert potential customers throughout their buyer journey.

The Top of the Funnel: Awareness Stage

At this stage, your target audience is looking for answers to problems they are facing. They may not know about your product yet, so it’s essential to create informative content that provides solutions or insights into these issues. HubSpot suggests using blog posts, infographics or educational videos at this stage.

The Middle of the Funnel: Consideration Stage

Your prospects have now identified their problem and are actively searching for solutions – enter your product! At this point, you should provide them with more detailed information about how your SaaS offering can help solve their challenges. Case studies, webinars or free trials could be effective here. Marketo advises taking a personalised approach during this phase.

The Bottom of the Funnel: Decision Stage

This is where leads decide whether to purchase from you or not; therefore high-value content like customer testimonials and comprehensive guides on how to use your software would work best here. Neil Patel recommends focusing on trust-building elements such as reviews and guarantees at this final step.

To sum up; understanding each stage in the buying process will enable you to create a comprehensive SaaS content strategy that effectively targets your audience, leading to increased conversions and customer retention.

8. Content Promotion

In the competitive landscape of SaaS, a robust SEO strategy is vital. One essential aspect of this strategy is content promotion – an often overlooked yet crucial element in driving organic traffic and boosting visibility.

The Importance of Content Promotion for SaaS Businesses

For B2B marketing professionals working in SaaS companies, content promotion isn’t just about spreading your message; it’s also about positioning your brand as a thought leader in the industry. By promoting high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience, you can establish trust and credibility while simultaneously improving your search engine rankings.

Promoting Your Content Effectively: Key Strategies

  • Distribute on Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook are excellent channels to promote your latest blog posts or whitepapers. Make sure to utilise hashtags related to your topic for better reach.
  • Email Marketing: Utilise personalised email campaigns via platforms such as MailChimp. Sharing useful articles or guides with subscribers not only drives traffic but also nurtures relationships with potential customers.
  • Guest Posting: Consider writing guest posts for authoritative sites within the software industry. This tactic not only broadens exposure but also provides valuable backlinks which contribute positively towards SEO efforts.

Leveraging Paid Advertising Channels

Beyond organic methods, consider leveraging paid advertising channels such as Google Ads or LinkedIn Sponsored Content. These platforms offer highly targeted options that ensure maximum visibility among key decision-makers within specific industries or job functions.

To conclude, successful content promotion requires strategic planning and execution across multiple channels – both organic and paid. By doing so, SaaS companies can increase their brand visibility, drive high-quality traffic to their site, and ultimately convert more leads into customers.

9. Link Building

In the dynamic world of SaaS marketing, link building plays a crucial role in enhancing your brand’s visibility and credibility. It is an essential component of SEO strategy that can significantly boost your website’s ranking on search engines. For SaaS companies striving to make their mark in this competitive landscape, understanding and implementing effective link-building strategies becomes indispensable.

The Power of Link Building for SaaS Companies

Link building involves earning hyperlinks from other websites to your own. These links are seen by search engines as votes of confidence or endorsements for your content. The more quality backlinks you have pointing towards your site, the higher you’ll rank. This increased visibility can lead to more traffic and potential conversions.

Beyond driving organic traffic, link building also enhances brand authority. By securing links from high-authority sites within relevant industries or niches, you demonstrate to both users and search engines that others value what you offer—thus establishing trustworthiness.

Effective Link-Building Strategies for B2B Marketing Professionals

  • Create valuable content: High-quality content attracts natural backlinks because people want to share useful information with their audience.
  • Promote Content: Promotion through social media channels or email newsletters ensures that more people see—and potentially link—to it.
  • Guest Blogging: Writing guest posts for reputable blogs in related fields offers another avenue for obtaining high-quality inbound links while reaching new audiences. (source)

Remember, link building is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. It requires time, patience and consistency to see the results. However, when done right, it can provide a significant boost to your SaaS company’s SEO performance.

10. Measurement: The Key to Optimising Your SaaS SEO Strategy

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimisation (SEO), measurement is an essential tool for success, especially in the SaaS industry. Without it, you’re essentially navigating your marketing strategy blindfolded.

The Importance of Measurement in SEO

Measuring and tracking your SEO strategy’s performance provides valuable insights into what’s working well and where improvements are needed. It allows you to understand how users find and interact with your website, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that can enhance user experience and boost conversions.

Data-Driven Improvements

A successful SaaS business relies heavily on its ability to attract new customers while retaining existing ones. By monitoring key metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rate, conversion rates or average session duration through tools like Google Analytics, businesses can identify areas that need improvement – be it content creation or refreshing existing content, keyword targeting or site architecture – leading to better visibility online and increased sales over time.

The Role of A/B Testing

Apart from traditional analytics methods, A/B testing also plays a significant role in measuring the effectiveness of different elements within an SEO strategy. For instance, by comparing two versions of a landing page side-by-side; one version may lead to more sign-ups than another revealing which aspects resonate best with visitors thus informing future design choices.

Remember: What gets measured gets improved! So don’t neglect this crucial aspect when crafting your next SaaS SEO campaign.


By now, it should be crystal clear that SEO isn’t just a ‘nice to have’ for SaaS companies – it’s an absolute necessity. It doesn’t matter how innovative your software solution is if nobody can find you online. To stand out in the crowded digital landscape, you need a robust and effective SaaS SEO strategy.

Sure, there are differences between traditional SEO and SaaS SEO. But remember, at its core, good SEO always boils down to providing value for users by understanding their needs and solving their problems effectively.

The 10-step strategy we’ve discussed here – from benchmarking KPIs right through to reporting on success – will help you align with your target audience more accurately than ever before.

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